Organisation Started under the Marrakesh Agreement Crossword Clue

Organisation Started Under the Marrakesh Agreement Crossword Clue

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for the answer to the clue „Organisation started under the Marrakesh Agreement“? If so, you`ve come to the right place. We`ll not only give you the answer, but also some background information on the Marrakesh Agreement and the organisation it created.

The Marrakesh Agreement was signed in 1994 in Marrakesh, Morocco, by the member states of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It created the World Trade Organization (WTO), which replaced GATT as the international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. The WTO`s main purpose is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

The WTO has 164 member countries and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It has various councils and committees that deal with different aspects of international trade, such as agriculture, intellectual property, and trade in services. The WTO also has a dispute settlement mechanism, which allows member countries to resolve disputes among themselves.

Now that we have some background information on the Marrakesh Agreement and the WTO, let`s get to the crossword clue. The answer is „GATT,“ which stands for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. GATT was the organization that preceded the WTO and was replaced by it under the Marrakesh Agreement. GATT was established in 1947 and aimed to reduce barriers to international trade by negotiating trade agreements among member countries.

In conclusion, the organisation started under the Marrakesh Agreement crossword clue refers to GATT, the predecessor to the WTO. The Marrakesh Agreement was a historic agreement that created the WTO and paved the way for smoother international trade. Whether you`re a crossword aficionado or simply interested in international trade, learning about the Marrakesh Agreement and the WTO is a fascinating topic.

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